New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection mandated that all New Jersey municipalities must adopt a tree removal and replacement ordinance. With the increasing intensity of storms and the subsequent flooding issues that occur, NJDEP recognizes the importance of maintaining and increasing tree inventories throughout the state. A mature tree can drink as much as 250 gallons of water per day, depending on the size of the tree. Losing trees greatly increases the chance of surface water flooding. Mount Ephraim has adopted the ordinance that was mandated by NJDEP. This ordinance establishes the requirement that any healthy trees to be removed requires a permit. The tree will also have to be replaced based on the table in the ordinance. If the tree cannot be replaced on your property, you will have to deposit funds with the borough and we will replace the tree in another location. To view the full ordinance, click here: Ord 2024-04 with Appendix A