The Borough of Mount Ephraim seeking proposals from redevelopers for the Sacred Heart Church Properties. For the detailed proposal request and supporting documents, click the following links: Request for Proposals for the Sacred Heart Church Properties; Redevelopment Area Map for Estimates; Key Eng. Signed Plan of Survey; Chapter 3 Records Review; Environmental Status Update 7-23-2021
Don’t miss this one! It’s sure to be a lot of fun. RSVP required. See invite below for more details. Open to all Mount Ephraim and Camden County seniors, 60 and older; disabled persons who are at least 18. Three volunteers needed. if you have questions, feel free to call Mayor Carney at 202-368-1845. Click below for invitation.
Mount Ephraim Senior Programs–Where Senior Moments Happen!!
Mount Ephraim has daily programs for seniors at the Charles Dougherty Senior Center, located at the corner of Station and Lambert Avenues. Programs include chair yoga, crocheting, art workshops, easy fitness, game Fridays and more. All seniors age 60 and older, and disabled persons who are 18 and older, are invited and encouraged to attend. For the monthly calendars and sign-up forms, click here: Feb Calendar; 12-11-24 03 March Calendar; Senior Forms
Yard Sale Ordinance
Mount Ephraim has adopted a Yard Sale Ordinance which requires a permit in order for homeowners to conduct yard sales. There is no fee for the permit however only two permits are permitted per year. The permit is to be on display at your yard sale. This does not include the town-wide yard sales. Residents can conduct two yard sales per year and can also participate in the spring and fall town-wide yard sales. However the individual yard sales require that the borough-issued permit be on display. You can obtain a permit at the municipal building during normal business hours.
OPRA Requests
Effective September 3, 2024, a completed OPRA Request Form is required for all Open Public Records Act documents. The completed form can be scanned and emailed, hand delivered, faxed or mailed but a completed form is required. The email address is included on the form. For the OPRA Request Form, click here: Mt. Ephraim OPRA Request Form Sept 3, 2024
Property Maintenance Information
The Mt. Ephraim Code Enforcement Bureau was developed to establish and enforce a standard of living within the municipality. The goal is to provide a uniform approach to establishing and maintaining residential and commercial properties by enforcing the Municipal and International Property Maintenance Standards. For current regulations and contact information, click here: Property Maint Info
Tree Protection Ordinance
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection mandated that all New Jersey municipalities must adopt a tree removal and replacement ordinance. With the increasing intensity of storms and the subsequent flooding issues that occur, NJDEP recognizes the importance of maintaining and increasing tree inventories throughout the state. A mature tree can drink as much as 250 gallons of water per day, depending on the size of the tree. Losing trees greatly increases the chance of surface water flooding. Mount Ephraim has adopted the ordinance that was mandated by NJDEP. This ordinance establishes the requirement that any healthy trees to be removed requires a permit. The tree will also have to be replaced based on the table in the ordinance. If the tree cannot be replaced on your property, you will have to deposit funds with the borough and we will replace the tree in another location. To view the full ordinance, click here: Ord 2024-04 with Appendix A
Starting February 12, 2024, Mayor Carney will have open office hours on the first Monday of each month from 3pm-5pm or the first Thursday of the month from 4pm-6pm. No appointment is needed–you can just come in and talk to the mayor on any issue. Each visitor will be given 15 minutes to speak with Mayor Carney. The only exception to this schedule will be for holidays. Stop in and talk to Mayor Carney about any problem you are having, ideas you have or any issue you want to discuss. Note–for June, the Mayor will be available on Thursday, June 13, from 1pm-3pm.
Public Works has a full-time position available for a driver/laborer. Starting rate is $22.40 per hour and includes benefits and NJ State Pension. Qualified candidate must have a Class B CDL driver’s license and must pass drug screening. Duties include trash and recycling collection, landscaping and maintenance of borough facilities, snow removal and plowing, leaf collection, and other duties as required. Must be able to work in all types of weather and be on-call as needed. Call 856-931-2529 for job application. Mount Ephraim is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Mount Ephraim Police Dept. Press Release
The Mount Ephraim Police Department is in the process of becoming an accredited police department. Accreditation is a process by which all aspects of a police department’s policies and procedures, management and operations are examined and updated to bring them up to the highest standards of professional excellence. As part of this final on-site assessment, the Accreditation Assessment Team invites public comment to be provided to the assessment team. To view the full press release, click here: Press Release MEPD 2023