Dog Licensing and Information
New Jersey State Law (N.J.S.A. 4:19-15.1 et seq.) requires that dog owners obtain licenses annually. You will need to provide proof of current rabies vaccination (one which does not expire before November 1) as well as certification from your veterinarian if the dog has been spayed or neutered. If you no longer have your dog, please notify us so we may update our records. Please be advised that failure to notify our office if you no longer have your dog or obtain the dog license may result in a summons to Municipal Court.
Licenses are valid for one year (October through September), and are renewable in October. Check with the Borough Office for available free rabies clinics within Camden County.
There is a grace period until November 30 to accommodate dogs needing a new rabies vaccination. Any dog not licensed by November 30 will incur a $20.00 late fee and may receive a summons to appear in Municipal Court which will subject you to court fees and fines.
Rabies Vaccinations may be obtained via the Camden County Animal Shelter, 125 County House Road, Blackwood, NJ by calling 856-401-1300. The Shelter offers shots every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9am to 10:30am for $15.00 per dog.
Yearly Fees:
Spayed/neutered dog: $18.00
Non-spayed/non-neutered dog: $21.00
Although dog licensing sometimes seems like a chore to pet owners, there are many benefits to dog licensing. Licensed dogs are required to wear identification tags that allows animal control officers to trace ownership of the animal and return lost strays to their owners. The tag also serves as an indication that the dog is currently vaccinated against rabies in the event it is involved in a bite or attack. Pet owners who license their dogs have been shown to take better care of their pets and are less likely to allow their animals to free-roam or otherwise become a nuisance to the community. The municipality utilizes fees derived from dog licensing to fund animal and rabies control programs, as well as other activities beneficial to pets and their owners.
The owners of all dogs seven months of age or older are required to annually apply to the licensing clerk of the municipality in which he or she resides for a dog license.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us at (856) 931-1546. Thank you for your attention and cooperation in this matter.
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